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Engaging with Candidates

We have the lowest unemployment rate in decades and how you present yourself as an employer is more important than ever. The impressions you leave through the interview process will be impactful as candidates make a decision to accept your offer the offer of another company.

There are a few things to remember as you engage with candidates:

  • The current candidate marketplace moves quickly. Respond quickly and professionally to applicants and passive candidates alike.

  • You are competing for their attention. Be engaging, be able to articulate why your company is a great place to be and why the position they are interviewing for is critical to your organization.

  • Know the position. Candidates are focused and specific. Be able to discuss the responsibilities as well as the impact the position can have.

  • Prioritize a search if you open it. When you start a search be sure to block your calendar over the next few weeks to accommodate interviews. Candidates will move on if there are long lag times.

Taking a little time to think about and plan your process will help you get the results you want.

Book a consult with us directly on our website to discuss your own process and how we can help.

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